Letter of recommendation: Ask personally

05:20 0 Comments A+ a-

When seeking letters of recommendation, don't send e-mails or leave voicemails. It's to your advantage to ask the person face-to-face. This conveys just how important this letter is to you.
Many instructors and supervisors deal with dozens of recommendation requests every year. Even if you are a stellar student or employee, they might not remember that smashingly astute comment you made back in March. Along with the letter of recommendation form and materials, include a vivid reminder of your past accomplishments, particularly those with which your instructor or supervisor is already familiar. You might include a resume and/or a relevant writing sample (preferably one written for that particular instructor, and one which earned you a high grade).
If you intend to study agronomy and your instructor is under the impression you are planning on pursuing astronomy, your admission readers might end up with either a hysterical or quizzical letter of recommendation. Write down your plans and goals so that your writer is aware of them.

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